History Of Couching

by Holly Stringer

For my homework we have to find out the history of couching and where it started and I cant find a single thing on Google, for it insits it's coaching. It would help me a great deal if you had any knowledge of websites or maybe your own personal knowledge.

Thank you for your time

Holly Stringer

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history of couching
by: adedayo

please, it will help me a great deal if u can help with the history of couching for my assignment.

good info
by: Olivia

the infomation about couching was really useful because i need to find it for my work to!!!

hi holly its Olivia :P

Wow what a coincidence
by: Carol

Hi girls,

How funny that you should both find my site and ask the same question. I love it!

Couching is a technique that is used in a number of different needlework techniques. I have written a page about it here...

Couching Stitch

It's history goes back to medieval times where a technique called Opus Anglicanum was used. You can read more about this on the history of embroidery page.

It can fasten threads or fibers too thick or bobbly to go through the ground fabric. I used this on my strawberry crazy quilt block with a boucle yarn. I sort of went crazy and meandered around, filling in the space with a winding path of greenery. :)

Couching is used in a much more regimented style for goldwork. Here the precious gold is too expensive to hide any on the back of the work, and it is laid in neat rows and held in place with tiny stitches arranged in patterns.

Another technique that uses couching is needlelace, where the cordonnet is couched to a backing to hold it in place while the lace is created.



I Need This Help Too
by: Jess Sena

OMG , Holly Stringer , Your In My Class Haha ,
Its Jess Sena =)
How Funny,
I Was On Here To Ask The Exact Thing
Help Please !!
Thank You
Jessica Sena (Who Has The Exact Same Homework As Holly!!

History of Couching
by: Anonymous

Hi Holly, it's all in how you Google. Type 'needlework couching' and you will see LOTS of links, including good old Wikipedia.
I was going to paste a bunch of them here for you, but some of them are really long. But here is one:

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