Cross stitch fabric too stiff

by Sonia
(Loganville,Ga, USA)

Is it OK to wash the fabric to soften it before starting a cross stitch project? It is very hard to get the Hoop on and work with it.

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For Stamped Cross Stitch
by: Iris

When I get a new stamped cross stitch kit, I ring it out as if it were a wet piece of clothing. I open it and roll it and twist it every which way. It softens and doesn't mess with the stamp picture.

Stamped Aisa Cloth
by: Anonymous

Your suggestion for dryer and wash cloth will not work for stamped. Can not get it wet.

I have a fabric, The Girl Holding the Cat, is very large. It's 120 x 164. It's huge, lol. It's a Joy Sunday kit.

What do I do to soften it to make it manageable to work with and contain the extra fabric?

Stamped cross stitch too stiff
by: JoAnne

What about a stamped cross stitch? I can’t get it wet, or I lose the stamped design. It’s a huge design as well, 18x24. Suggestions that don’t involve water to soften the stiffness? I’ve been crinkling and rolling the fabric daily for over a week but still very stiff. Still can’t get a hoop on it.

Fabric too stiff
by: Judy

I like the dryer softener cloth and wash cloth, but what if I have already started? Judy

Cross stitch fabric
by: Anonymous

Where can I find cross-stitch fabric that is soft with no starch in it .

Aida for Breadcloths
by: Janie

I am trying to locate an aida cloth that is soft and supple to use when stitching breadcloths. The fabrics are so super stiff - even after washing. Do you know of a supplier? Thank you!!

Aida in the Dryer
by: Lizzystitch484

With super-stiff Aida, I will put it in the clothes dryer with a fabric softener sheet and a dampened washcloth or hand towel. Run the dryer on Medium or Low for 30 to 40 minutes. Smooth the Aida with your hands and let rest for about 5 minutes...and away you go to stitch. Tiny, if any, shrinkage, and softened and more pliable for hooping. Kind regards.

Stiff Fabric
by: Stitchntime

This was so helpful!! Thank you!!

Carol replies...
by: Carol

Thank you for taking the time to submit your question.

Are you using an Aida fabric for your project, Sonia?

Most manufacturers use a starch or "size" on Aida so that it is firm enough to stitch on easily. However, it has been known for less reputable brands to use extra starch to try to stiffen poorer quality Aida, and make it appear to be better than it is.

If you pre-wash the fabric in hot water this dissolves the starch and makes the fabric more pliable. However, I personally would not recommend doing this as it can make the cloth harder to work on as the "holes" tighten up making them less visible.

If you are struggling with getting the stiff fabric in the hoop you might like to consider two other options.

Firstly, you could start working with the fabric "in hand" instead of hooping straight away. As you work, the Aida will begin to soften and become more supple. Once it has lost the stiffness you could then transition to using your hoop.

Alternatively, you could use a scroll frame rather than a hoop. In this case you would wrap the excess Aida around the bars at top and bottom, leaving a nice firm area to stitch on in the center.

If you ask other cross stitchers you will likely find they each have their own suggestions for what to do with extra stiff Aida fabric. :-)

One last thing to keep in mind, is that for any sizable project it is going to take you time to complete it. If you are at all unsure of the quality of the fabric that was included in a kit, for example, then you might want to replace it before starting work. It would be a shame to discover issues once you have put hours and hours into a piece.

I hope this helps. I am sure others will come along and offer more suggestions, Sonia.

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