Do spring hoops leave marks?

by Debra Ruffing

My granddaughter and husband are having trouble with hoops marks on their work. It seems to be coming from the metal part of the spring hoop. I remind them to take their work out of the hoop when they are not stitching. They seem to remember most, if not all the time. Could the metal leave a mark on the fabric?

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spring hoops
by: Anonymous

My spring hoops are not wood, but metal with a plastic outer hoop. They are not very sturdy any more. The older ones I have were stronger and red, blue or green. The new ones are pastel and come from Hobby Lobby. Thanks for any info on avoiding those gray marks.

No marks
by: Alice Bradley

It helps if the hoops are covered. I use calico strips. This has a cushioning effect between hoop and fabric. If there is a mark it usually presses out if damp cloth used under iron.

Spring hoops leave marks
by: Janet Ellis

I haven't had any types of marks left, Of course I am using an old spring hoop from when I was a child, I'm 76 now so if anything was going to appear it would have . And I also take the hoop off before I put it away. I really like the hoops as they are easy to use.

spring hoops
by: JaniceCarole

I only use spring hoops because they are fast to hoop and fast to un-hoop. I have never had a problem with creasing or leaving debris behind on my fabric.

Metal spring hoops
by: Bobbi

I have used them & found them very lovely but only one problem they left dark grey marks on my Aida cloth. I will admit the hoop was pretty old the cork inside the hoop compressed and the metal had discoloured with the oils from my hands so I threw them away & now use a plastic & wooden hoops

Spring hoops
by: RoseMary

I used spring hoops when I first started (yea these many years ago) out with embroidery, and still have a couple of them around. If the mark is actually a grubby deposit from the hoop, one could try wrapping both parts of the hoop with a narrow strip of white fabric, avoiding the spring of course, and see if that helps. If it is just pressure marks from using the hoops, then the project needs to be taken out and allowed to relax between sessions. Washing (if threads are colourfast) and then pressing will take care of the pressure marks when the project is finished.

Spring hoops
by: Lila

I have used the spring type hoop and have not had a problem. Of course, the piece needs ironing after using any type of hoop. I find the spring hoop is easier to use and actually less harsh on fabric than the screw type. I hope this has been helpful.

I haven't had this happen
by: Carol

Thank you for your question, Debra.

I haven't experienced such an issue with metal spring hoops as of yet. Mind you, I do normally remember to remove the hoop when I put my work away.

Metal can corrode or go rusty, but this should not happen to a good quality hoop. It may be dust that has gotten on to the metal part of the hoop and then the pressure between hoop and fabric has embedded that dirt. Have you tried soaking the work (if the threads are colourfast) in warm water to see if the marks disappear?

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